Thursday, May 26, 2011


In my faith circle it's a well known fact that the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. He can steal your joy, kill your spirit, and destroy your best intentions so start your day armed for battle even before you get out of bed!

Plan, Plan, Plan
Plan to succeed tomorrow, by creating a plan today. It's self sabotaging our success if we fail to plan for what we want to get done.  Get that plan down the night before and be prepared!  To flip a switch for me this week I did just that!   I determined I was going to fight back any tendency to sabotage me and put a plan in place the night before...

Workout Plan
Part of my plan was to put out my workout cloths the night before so I could walk in the bathroom the next morning, wash my face and see them, reminding me to put them on and get to my workout!  I did just that and succeeded at getting my workout done first thing - my day felt so free!  It had a positive trickle down affect as well.  I then wanted to eat right because I invested in ME so early!  It set the stage for having a GREAT Clean Eating and Fitness day!

Meal Plan
I didn't include this and failed the first couple of days  I highly recommend that you create a Meal Plan the night before. Include; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snacks!  Print out copies, post it on the fridge and put a copy in your purse/wallet in case you go out to eat.  Pick up that plan and read your intentions for any of your meals dependent on where you are in your day and this will help you stick to your plan, even on a restaurant menu, You are arming yourself to fight off the enemy of Sabotage by carrying your plan with you and following it!  It doesn't have to be detailed but rather include food item entries such as 3 oz protein, 1 srv veggies,  1 carb, etc.  This gives you flexibility in creating off of any menu and really really helps!  You will be forcing your mind to follow the lead of your will!  Fight back with a daily meal plan that is with you at all times!

Write Write Write
Plan time to journal!  Oh how this wards off the enemy of Sabotage!  Write your thoughts down each night and morning!  However you write doesn't matter, shorthand, bullet points, long sentences and doesn't matter but there is such comfort and satisfaction, as well as freedom when we do a 'mind dump' as I call it and get all of our thoughts on paper, or in a word doc text.  You don't have to be a writer to do this.  The goal is to free your mind from sabotaging thoughts, and the other side is writing down accolades or pats on the back and reward yourself with that.  I promise you this will be healing and rewarding!

Sleep Sleep Sleep
Plan on going to bed early each night.  I don't mean ridiculously early but when you feel those sabotaging junk thoughts starting to push you around "have a snack, you can cheat, do it do it!"  GET TO BED!  That's your queue!

I have started practicing these planning tips and it is really helping to gain my joy and spirit back as well as turn my best intentions into realities and successes.

A wise man, my dad, taught me long ago how to pick up a pencil.  He said "Val try to pick up that pencil!" So I just picked it up and said "There I did it, easy!"   He said excitedly "NO!" "I said TRY to pick it up, not pick it up!"  

Yogi Berra once said "If you come to a fork in the road, just take it!"

You see people, if you only TRY to do something you sabotage yourself to not get it done. Instead you have to just DO IT!!!

It's just me, Val  Ciao!

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