Wednesday, May 4, 2011


How many times have you lost the same 10 pounds?
I know, right?  It's so frustrating.  Well if you only have 10 pounds to lose I guess it wouldn't be. I on the other hand could lose 50 pounds and still want to take off another 20 (of course that might be ridiculous for me, but one can dream, right?)

I am 57 years old and truly desire to improve my health.  I don't give up on ME.
I am a stress eater...give me stress?  Give me food.
I am Italian, so if you're at my house get ready cause I am gonna feed you!
I am a people pleaser and if your pallet is the way to your heart, I'll make sure to fill it with good tasting food.
If I'm sad, I eat
If I'm mad, I eat
If I'm bored, I eat
If I'm worried, I eat
If I'm overwhelmed, I eat
If I'm procaratinating, I eat
If I'm watching TV, I eat
Wow that is alot of eating!

This is obnoxiously backwards, out of balance and unhealthy!  
Are you like this?

So what's the answer?  Find another vice, another habit, another life?  I am who I am, right?  I mean my makeup is the way I tick, can it really ever change?  Is this a bad habit, or my makeup?

I absolutely recognize the triggers and yet when it's happening I feel like I'm in a black hole.  It really is an addiction, a habitual response to comfort an uncomfortable feeling or situation.  So "One Day At A Time?"

People who have it all together or who have overcome this hurdle don't always remember what it was like before they overcame it, and will say it's as easy as 'Flipping the Switch - Just Do It' and I guess it is.  
So where's the switch?  Show me the way and I'll flip it!

I've come to realize it's choice, a choice we make for life and not for a day, not just to lose pounds, no it's much bigger than that.  The problem isn't that I'm eating, that's the symptom of the core problem.  The core is why I'm eating.  Get to the core, cut it out, and guess what?  I'll stop eating.
To FLIP THE SWITCH, eliminate the core issue with resolve!

Resolve to Change!
Did you know that?
  • Character is built from habits
  • Habits are built by actions
  • Actions are created from thoughts
So change your thoughts (it starts there)!  How do you do this?  Well I was once given an analogy: imagine there is a receptionist in your mind and they check in all the thoughts that enter.  When a bad thought approaches the receptionist, replace it with "No Entry" and don't allow it to enter your mind, but rather replace it with a Good Action.  For Instance:
Sadness - Feel it and move on, don't hover over it
Mad - Say it and move on, don't embrace it
Boredom - Find what you love to do and do it, don't accept boredom of any kind
Worried - Decide what you can change, anything else leave up to a higher power and let it go and trust your higher power (mine happens to be God) to take it on. 
Overwhelmed - Break down the issue that is overwhelming you into phases or steps to execute, WRITE THEM DOWN, cross off each step as you complete it.
Procrastination - Look at the 'why' of your procrastination, 
- Is it lack on know how - ask for help or advice
- Is it something that you fear outcome of -  realize that fear is coming from your imagination working overtime with 'what if's". Just face what it is and move into it, you'll find you 'feared' for nothing!
Watching TV - Choose to limit your time with the tube, and/or do something productive like JOURNAL while you're watching to keep your mind occupied and it's HEALTHY!!!

Identify the issue, face it, act upon it, create a habit!
I am really going to work hard at this over the month of May.  10 WITH A 'TUDE' will include my changing habits by resolving issues with steps and execution!

It's Just Me Val, Ciao! 


  1. I posted the following in early January on fb:

    There's a lot to be said about habits. Some are good, some are bad, some are instinctual and some well..... Point and case is, it's something you have learned to do over a time period. "Bad habits are easier to abandon today than tomorrow." ~ Yiddish Proverb

    However, He continued His habit of retiring to deserted places and praying. ~ Luke 5:16 ISV

    Are your habits forming you or are you forming your habits?

  2. I like this Kim! Thought provoking and true!
